News Archive

The latest research, clinical and policy news from the Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute (ANDI) and its affiliated faculty.


Siblings of children with autism have social, emotional problems

Even typical siblings of children with autism tend to struggle with anxiety, depression and social...

Overlap in traits of autism, attention deficit persists into adulthood

Traits linked to autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to co-occur even in...

Study links subset of genetic variants to autism, intellectual disability

Genetic variants across the genome contribute to about 8 percent of the risk for certain developmental...

Control of gene expression alters impact of autism mutations

Whether a mutation is harmful, and how harmful it is, depends on what other genetic variants an...

Molecular master may stifle assembly of many autism proteins

The protein CPEB4 may serve as a ‘master regulator’ of many of the hundreds of genes linked to autism,...

Some conditions tend to accompany autism in pairs

Children with autism are more likely to have both sleep problems and constipation than would be...

GW's Atypical Student Society to hold its first meeting

During our ANDI Ice Cream Social last spring, we were fortunate to meet AJ Link, a 2nd year law student...

A blood test for autism? Not so fast, experts say

A new study suggests that its results could lead to a simple test for autism, but statisticians say the...

The link between antidepressants and autism, explained

Among the many things a woman is supposed to avoid when pregnant are antidepressants, particularly a...

Autism’s sex bias may originate in brain’s immune cells

Two of the most reliable risk factors for autism are being male and being exposed to inflammation in...

Proposed revisions to global diagnostic manual for autism raise concerns

The proposed new version of the global manual for diagnosing medical conditions gets many things right...

Study quantifies prevalence of autism in India

About 1 in 100 children in India under age 10 has autism, and nearly 1 in 8 has at least one...

Complications during pregnancy may contribute to autism risk

High blood pressure or abnormal bleeding during pregnancy, as well as complications such as cesarean...

Mutant flies reveal key gene interactions within autism deletion

The absence of several interacting genes underlies the developmental problems seen in people missing a...

Study revives serotonin as target for autism treatments

Boosting levels of the chemical messenger serotonin makes mice that model autism more social, according...